Customer Information Security

Trusting your data with HRdownloads is an
important decision, and we take that
responsibility very seriously.

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Customer Information Security

Trusting your data with HRdownloads is an important decision, and we take that responsibility very seriously.

That’s why we practise defence in depth, a principle of multiple layers of security controls, as well as Zero Trust, a security model developed by industry leaders to secure resources at the system level rather than focussing on perimeter defence. We secure your data at every level, and we take multiple measures to ensure it remains that way.

Here are just some of the measures we take to prevent data leaks and unauthorized data access:

  • Frequent vulnerability scans.
  • Annual third-party penetration testing.
  • Continuous security management and monitoring.
  • Web application firewall.
  • Input validation.
  • Strongest industry standard encryption.
  • All information is encrypted in transfer, and certain sensitive fields are encrypted at rest.
  • Customer data is hosted only in Canada.