Introducing HRdonates, Image with two hands making a heart and HRdonates logo in the middle, illustrated people holding a heart, and adding coins to a jar willed with hearts and coins

Citation Canada, formerly HRdownloads,® launches HRdonates, a new initiative to support London charities


London, ON (May 3, 2021) – The past year has raised to new levels the importance of supporting local businesses. As a London-based company, Citation Canada, formerly HRdownloads, recognizes now more than ever the value of giving back to the very community that has supported them since the beginning. Starting today, Citation Canada, formerly HRdownloads, is very happy to announce its official launch of HRdonates, a heartfelt initiative to raise money and awareness for the amazing charity organizations within the London community.

“We all have a story of when we, or someone we know, relied on a local organization to support us during a difficult time,” said Tony Boyle, CEO and Creative Director of Citation Canada, formerly HRdownloads. “In my own life, there were times when I had to reach out to some of these incredible organizations, and I received tremendous support from them. I am so proud of our caring and giving employees and their readiness to volunteer with local initiatives to make a difference. Internally, we have always focused on giving back to the community through a variety of initiatives. With HRdonates, we wanted to expand what we do internally and encourage others to join us in giving back.”

Each month, HRdonates will select a different organization in the local community to be featured on its website as their ‘Organization of the Month.’ Citation Canada, formerly HRdownloads, will make a $1,000 donation to every featured not-for-profit. In addition, Citation Canada, formerly HRdownloads, will match all donations made to the Organization of the Month, up to an additional $2,000. “We encourage and challenge other London companies to join us in supporting these commendable not-for-profit organizations,” said Boyle.

HRdonates will further raise awareness by highlighting how each Organization of the Month serves its clients and contributes to the community. With the support of its employees, Citation Canada, formerly HRdownloads, will share this message on social media in support of reaching the donation-matching goal every month.

“HRdonates exists to shine a light on the incredible and important work that our local organizations do day in, day out with the support of their talented and dedicated teams to make London a truly amazing place to live. Community is the foundation of everything that we do at Citation Canada, formerly HRdownloads, from supporting our colleagues to looking outwards. I am incredibly honoured to work with an amazing group of people who continually give back. Everyone is so excited to share these posts, spread awareness, and look at other ways we can build interorganizational connections,” said Citation Canada, formerly HRdownloads, Chief of Staff Sharon Bunce.

Citation Canada, formerly HRdownloads, lives by its motto, “Love What You Do.” With this new and exciting charity-oriented initiative, Citation Canada, formerly HRdownloads, wants share that love around the London community. If you would like to support HRdonates, or you are a not-for-profit in the London area and would like to be considered for Organization of the Month, please visit

Media Contact:
Marketing Manager
Citation Canada, formerly HRdownloads,®
Tel: 519-438-9763
